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Piracy and damage to brand reputation

Do you know what impacts piracy has on official brands? Discover how to protect your customers and your company.

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In this ebook you will learn the following:

  • How is piracy damaging the reputation of your brand
  • How counterfeit products of your brand could be sold without you knowing
  • Why is your brand the most important asset of your company
  • How you can protect your brand and stop losing money


About this ebook

Piracy and damage to brand reputation

Piracy is a very popular term, and it is increasingly infiltrating our daily lives, affecting not only companies and entire sectors of the economy, but also consumer confidence.

As pirated products flood the market, it is essential to understand the impacts of piracy on companies, their customers and the economy in general, highlighting the importance of facing this challenge.

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Of course it is!

We are simply sharing our industry knowledge that our clients and team members find helpful. Let us know if you have any additional fraud or ecommerce questions.

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"The product is great. We've never had a complaint from day 1. The setup was easy. And the continued service has been exceptional. With a product like this, you want it to work behind the scenes without ever thinking about it. That's ClearSale. It does exactly what it is supposed to do and never causes us troubles."

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From the viewpoint of someone who has been the victim of credit card fraud

"We are in the Durable Medical Equipment supply industry and we use Shopify as our shopping cart. With Covid 19 we have seen a tremendous increase web traffic and online purchases. Prior to Covid 19 we had a number of fraudulent transactions that led to multiple investigations on Local, State and Federal levels all of which produced no returns only because the crooks were faster. This cost us in..."



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