ATO Fraud Threatens Ecommerce Business Viability
While the impact of ATO fraud on consumers is significant and incredibly frustrating, online businesses have much to lose as well. If ATO fraud is not on your ecommerce business's radar, it absolutely should be. The impacts on your customers don't just trickle down to vour sales and revenue numbers - they can become a tsunami that your company may not survive.
We can start with the most obvious impact: chargebacks.

Chargebacks eat away at revenue
As soon as a customer recognizes a fraudulent transaction, they will most likely dispute the purchase, setting in motion the chargeback process. The more fraudulent transactions your business allows through, the higher your chargeback rate and the more potential for being placed on a chargeback monitoring program.
For small businesses, that can signal the beginning of the end. They simply can't afford to pay the high fees that continue to accrue as chargebacks multiply.

For an enterprise-level organization, chargebacks are often considered a necessary evil. You certainly don't want them, but there are bigger issues to consider, such as false declines.
False declines threaten customer experience
A typical reaction to fraud, especially ATO fraud, is to turn on generic rules and filters with the assumption that they will weed out suspicious transactions based on address mismatches, transaction amount and the like.
The problem is this "one-filter-fits-all" tactic typically backfires, setting your business up to decline valid transactions.

False Declines Cost You More Than Fraud
Approving more orders means happier customers and more sales.
ATO fraud can give your store a bad reputation
Online reviews mean a lot to customers - they influence behavior and can be the determining factor for where customers do business. If your company falls prey to a data breach, customers will be less likely to trust you with their sensitive personal information. The same goes for customers who experience ATO fraud on your website or app.
Whether or not your site is insecure and the source of fraud, customers are likely to blame your businesses. After all, they need to point the finger somewhere, and who else can they blame?
That can damage your reputation and cost you both recurring and new customers.